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Hand Sanitizer


Given our work, it’s second nature for us to follow best practices for creating a healthy environment. We understand you may have additional questions about our Covid-19 risk reduction practices, and have answered the most commonly asked questions we receive below. Please note these are FAQ’s specific to our wellness & spa treatments. The preferences of our yoga instructors and what to expect in specific classes are indicated in their class descriptions. 


For additional questions or concerns, please call or email us at

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What measures are you taking to minimize the risk of transmission of Covid-19?


A: Just as we do with preventing all other communicable diseases, we follow recommended best practices for reducing Covid-19 transmission risk. This includes:


Investing in Air Quality- Every room in which clients meet with service providers has at least one window that can be opened between clients. We’ve also invested in the highest quality HEPA air purifiers rated to clear rooms up to 6 times greater than the rooms in which they’re placed, resulting in exceptionally high turnover of clean air.


Following CDC Guidance on Mask Recommendations- When transmission rates in our area are substantial or high, we require masks in common areas and treatment rooms as appropriate. Given the nature of certain services, such as facials, where masks are not able to be worn, clients can request their practitioner wear a certified N-95 mask.




Q: Am I able to book treatments with a vaccinated provider?


A: Yes, we do have team members who have chosen to allow us to share their vaccination status with our guests. 




Q: Are all services currently available?


A: While all services are available, we are not booking couples’ treatments in our new couples’ massage room while transmission rates in our area are substantial or high. This decision was made to reduce unnecessary exposure risk to our massage team. We’re looking forward to offering this new service once transmission rates are lower. 




Q: I’m not concerned about contracting Covid-19. Do I still need to follow precautions while I’m at the center?


A: Given the nature of how our practitioners work with clients, we follow precautions both to protect our clients as well as our therapists from unnecessary exposure. This is both for health and financial reasons, as a positive case among our team would lead to a loss of their ability to perform their job duties until they were cleared to return to work. We appreciate your support in helping our small business avoid unnecessary closures.

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